Back and Spinal Cord - LO 5

5. Describe the spine and the relationships of its parts. Detail the various arthroses (joints) of the spine, supportive ligaments, and muscle groups. 

The spine (aka vertebral column) consists of thirty-three vertebrae that span the distance between the occipital bone of the skull ending distally with the coccyx. The spine has five regions, each comprised of a distinct type of vertebrae, some with interleaving intervertebral discs (joints). They include:

Joints (articulations):

The most superior joints of the spine are the atlanto-occipital joints, synovial joints between the occipital condyles and the superior facets of the atlas (C1). The joints below are the atlanto-axial joints, synovial joints between the inferior facets of the atlas (C1) and the superior facets of the axis (C2), as well as a synovial pivot joint with the dens (odontoid process) of C2 forming the axis of the pivot. Moving inferiorly, all vertebrae have three types of joints:

The inferior-most intervertebral disc sits between the body of L5 and the articular surface of the sacrum at the lumbosacral junction. Additionally, inferior articular processes of L5 form synovial joints with superior articular processes of the sacrum. The sacrum articulates laterally with the coxal bones (the SI joints, to be discussed in a later session) and inferiorly with the coccyx at the sacrococcygeal junction as either a symphysis, or a more mobile synovial joint. 

Supportive ligaments:

Providing direct support to the bodies of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs are the anterior & posterior longitudinal ligaments

The posterior ligamentous complex -- consisting of the supraspinous & interspinous ligaments, ligamenta flava, and facet joint capsules -- support the laminae, spinous processes, and facet joints.


The various joints, supportive ligaments, and associated muscles allow for many different types of movement. The major movements of the spine (or, more often, regions of the spine) are as follows: