Anterior Neck and Thorax - LO 1

1. Describe the location and composition of the integumentary and fascial layers one encounters when dissecting from superficial to deep.

During any early dissection, the first step is typically the removal of the most superficial layers, starting with the skin.

The skin (or integumentary system) is composed of two divisions:

Fascia is the term for grossly visible connective tissue collections or sheaths deep to the skin.

The superficial fascia (i.e. hypodermis, subcutaneous tissue) is deep to the dermis. This layer is often colloquially referred to as the fatty layer due to high loose areolar connective tissue content. The thickness of the layer varies between individuals and different areas of the body.

Deep fascia is more dense than superficial fascia, and is devoid of adipose tissue (fat). This fascia is important in surrounding and supporting muscles, organs (viscera), and neurovasculature (investing fascia).