Wrist, Hand and Foot - LO 1

1. Describe the cutaneous innervation of the hand; including primary nerve and spinal cord level.

The median, ulnar, and radial nn. supply the skin of the hand. Cutaneous branches of these nerves provide sensory innervation.

Median n. – a cutaneous branch of the median n. supplies the skin of the palmar surface on the lateral side. Typically it branches into ‘digital branches,’ and supplies the skin of the lateral palm, thumb and lateral 3.5 digits. These branches also supply the nail beds of the thumb and same 3.5 digits.

Ulnar n. – cutaneous branches of the ulnar n. supply the skin on the medial palmar and medial dorsal surfaces of the hand and 1.5 digits.

Radial n. – a cutaneous branch of the radial n. supplies the skin of the dorsum of the hand and lateral 3.5 digits, except for the nail beds (from median n.).