Lungs and Ventilation Pathway - LO 1

1. Describe the pleura, including the recesses/potential spaces created by the pleural sacs.  Understand how this anatomy relates to conditions/disorders or clinical procedures.

The pulmonary cavities contain the pleurae. The outer margins of the pulmonary cavities are lined with parietal pleurae, whereas visceral pleurae adhere to all surfaces of the lungs.  

The parietal pleurae each have three parts: 

Cervical pleurae (extensions of the mediastinal and costal parts) form domes over the apices of each lung. 

The spaces between parietal and visceral pleurae are the pleural cavities.

There are two important recesses associated with the pleural cavities. Both are potential spaces between reflections of different parts of parietal pleurae.

Costodiaphragmatic recesses: potential spaces between the diaphragmatic and costal parietal pleurae. The lungs (covered by visceral pleura) sit above these recesses, and may enter into them during inspiration.

Costomediastinal recesses: potential spaces between the costal and mediastinal parietal pleurae

M1 S5 Chart Respiratory Conditions/Procedures