Google Classroom

By releasing Google Classroom in August 2014, Google changed the world of education for the better. This easy to use curation system has allowed teachers to organize information and assignments for their students while making their lives a ton easier. With the ease of access and ease of use, Google Classroom offers many benefits across the board.

To see a playlist of not only how to use videos but also student views, check out this YouTube page.

Google Classroom is easy to set up because it connects directly to your Google account. All you need to do is go to the Classroom website and log in with your school Google Account. It then takes you through a simple tutorial to set up your first class and adding things to the class. You can access some Help Cards from Google Gooru here or if you would prefer, you can take an online course here.

There are many web tools and apps that can connect directly to Google Classroom. Most have a "Share to Classroom" button that makes using Classroom even easier. Kasey Bell has a list of 23.

Remember if you need integration assistance, you can fill out the request form by clicking here. If you are already using Google Classroom and have some tips, fill out the form here.