
Blendspace is a free tool for teachers to collect resources in one place to form a bundled, interactive lesson for students and colleagues. Even though it isn't a true LMS, you can still load up almost any resource (videos, pictures, websites, self created files) and connect any cloud storage ( Google Drive, Dropbox) and embed it into your lesson. You also have the ability to add in multiple choice quizzes that can be automatically graded, allowing you to get a quick picture of how the learning is progressing. Even though Blendspace can only embed their multiple choice quizzes, you can always embed a Google Form where you can ask a variety of questions and still have the majority automatically graded for you. Because the set up is so easy and because it is easy to get to your students, this is great for a blended or flipped learning environment, especially in the 1:1 environment. They also have a Lesson Library where you can access already created lessons.

To create a Blendspace account, click here for their website.

  1. Click Sign Up in the upper right corner

  1. Select I'm a Teacher (or Admin, etc)

  1. At the bottom, you can select Register with Google - this will allow you to use the same information you log into Google with to set up your account (one less password to remember)

From now on, you will be able to use the LOGIN button to access your account.

To create your lessons, you just click New Lesson and begin

This video comes up when you create your first lesson, so you can use it for a resource again later.

Want to take it a step further? Add classes so students can make their own lessons, all of which you have access to!

  1. Create a Class by filling the information in the Create Class box on the right

  1. Go to Classes on the Dashboard page and click on the people icon on the right (next to the X). This will give you your class access code.

  1. Students will create accounts just like you did, selecting the Student image rather than the teacher.

  1. Once in, they can click Join Class and type in the Class Access Code assigned to your class.

  1. They can then create a lesson and when they click share, they can select your class to share the lesson with you.

Want some tips for using Blendspace? Click here to see ways to motivate your students using Blendspace. I could also see this as an excellent way for students to curate information for a project, all of which can be turned in to you.

If you need further assistance, please contact me through the form below: