
As one of the most used Learning Management Services, Canvas has been adopted by the Region XI Service Center as well as other districts and universities in the area and across the state. Canvas has the basics teachers like most in Google Classroom and takes it to the next level to allow you to provide your students with easy to access information that is well organized and documented for you. There are many advanced features Google Classroom doesn't have that allow you to truly use a full LMS. Check out their short video:

Sanger ISD as well as many districts in Region XI, has their own Canvas LMS that connects your students to your courses. Contact Tammy if you would like more information on how to get your Canvas courses started. Sanger ISD's Canvas instance can be found here. If your district does not have a Canvas instance, you can create your own free account. To Create a Free Canvas Account, go to the Canvas Website.

Because the initial set up is so easy, many people are ready to branch into using Canvas for one or more of their classes. Some of the features that make the use of Canvas so enticing are:

  • Integration with Google Drive

  • Integration with ExamView

  • Ability to time quizzes/tests

  • Depth of data from quizzes/tests

  • Ability to grade directly on a rubric on the same page as the assignment

  • Embedding Nearpod and attaching Quizlets

Once you have fully activated your Canvas account, you will be able to create classes, invite students, etc. You can access a one page cheat sheet here. This will give you the steps to complete many of the basic features. When planning in Canvas, modules can be considered units of study and each assignment, page and quiz can be put into a module. Remember that all of the modules, assignments, etc can be downloaded and shared, so it is very easy to collaborate with others. You can also access their commons area for modules, assignments, etc that are already created and can easily be adjusted to fit your needs.

If you would like some online help, click here to go to the Training Smore. Remember that you can always ask for integration help via the form below: