Lynn Plourde Visits!

Post date: Jan 18, 2017 8:30:34 PM

In the fall, children's author Lynn Plourde visited Spruce Mountain Primary and Elementary Schools to present to all students and staff about several of her new books. Everyone was excited to have such a wonderful author visit our school! Students at the elementary school filled both school buildings with handmade posters welcoming Lynn to Spruce Mountain.

Ms. Plourde spoke to the elementary students about her new chapter book, Maxi's Secrets. This book is about a dog named Maxi who helps a boy through a hard time with a new school and new friends. She shared with us that she was inspired to write the book because her her own special dog who passed away. The book is also about differences. Ms. Plourde ended her presentation by listing all of the differences in the book, from sight to skin color to being the new kid, and had students stand if they had that difference. By the end of the presentation, the entire audience was on their feet, most with their hands in the air!

At the primary school, Ms. Plourde read her two newest picture books, Bella's Fall Coat and Baby Bear's Not Hibernating. Everyone was so excited to be among the first people to hear these wonderful new books!

We are grateful to Devaney Doak and Garrett Booksellers who arranged the visit for free for our schools. Please visit their shop online or in downtown Farmington to show your support for all the staff does for schools and libraries!