Wabanaki Studies links

Post date: Apr 24, 2017 4:23:30 PM

Available in RSU 73 Libraries

Alnobak: A Story of indigenous people in Androscoggin County by Androscoggin Historical Society

Asticou's Island Domain: Wabanaki Peoples at MDI 1500-2000

Louis Sockalexis by Bill Wise

Rethinking Columbus by Bigelow and Peterson

Thanks to the Animals by Allen Sockabasin

The Idea of Sovereignty by Charles F Wilkinson

Unsettled Past, Unsettled Future: The Story of Maine Indians by Neil Rolde

Wabanaki: A New Dawn by Maine indian Tribal-State Commission

Wabanaki People Curriculum by Abbe Museum

Wabanakis of Maine and the Maritimes by American Friends Service Committee

Wind Bird: Gift of the Mist by Sarah Stiles Bright

Available Online

A Brief History of Indian Legislative Representatives (Maine) http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlibrary/9261

Abbe Museum Timeline

Aroostook Not Subject to Maine Law

At Loggerheads (Executive Summary only) http://www.mitsc.org/documents/28_Loggerheads1.doc.pdf

Federal and state services and the Maine Indian

http://www.archive.org/stream/federalstateserv00unit/federalstateserv00unit_djvu.txt (This is on microform. The formatting is strange because of this, but the content is there.)

Fogler Library materials available https://library.umaine.edu/speccoll/special-collections-subject-guide1/

Maine Federal Settlement Act

Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission (MITSC)

Maine Tribal State Commission Withdraws from Budget Process

OpEd: Extend King’s Legacy to Wabanaki People

Our Lives in Our Hands film

Passamaquoddy Kit from NPS

Wabanaki Tribal Government websites

WERU Land Claims Stories (radio archive)

Available Through Interlibrary Loan

American Beginnings: Exploration, Culture & Cartography In The Land Of Norumbega (Prins, H. et al 1994)

Blood Struggle: The Rise of Modern Indian Nations (Wilkinson, C. 2005)

Gabriel Women Passamaquoddy Basketmakers (Center for the Study of Lives DVD) (Atkinson, R. 1999)

HOMELAND, Four Portraits of Native Action (DVD) (Grossman, R. 2005)

In the Shadow of the Eagle: A Tribal Representative in Maine (Loring, D. 2008)

Invisible (DVD Northest Historic Films) (Hansen, G. et al 2005)

Iroquois Corn In a Culture-Based Curriculum, A Framework for Respectfully Teching about Cultures. (Cornelius 1999)

Lessons from Turtle Island, Native Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms (Jones, G. & Moomaw, S 2002)

Maliseet and Mi'kmaq: First Nations of the Maratimes (Leavitt 1995)

The Mi'kmaq: Resistance, Accommodation and Cultural Survival (Prins, H. 1996)

Native Americans Today, Resources and Activities for Educators Grades 4-8 (Hirschfelder, A. & Beamer, Y. 2000)

Our Relatives' Place (N'tolonapemk), The Passamaquoddy People and the St. Croix River

Out of the Depths, The Experience of Mi'kmaw Children at the Indian Residential School at Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia (Knockwood 1992)

The Penobscot (Jill Duvall Childrens Press 1993)

Penobscot Basket Marker Barbara Francis (DVD) (CreateSpace 2003)

The Sharing Circle, Stories about First Nations Culture (Meuse-Dallien, T. 2003)

Song of Rita Joe, Autobiography of a Mi'kmaq Poet (1996)

Song of the Drum: The Petroglyphs of Maine (DVD Acadia Productions) (Gerber, R. et. Al 2006)

Tribulations of a Border Tribe (Prins, H. 1988)

A Wabanaki Guide to Maine

Watershed (DVD Acadia Film) ( Passamaquoddy Tribal Historic Preservation 2006)