Chickadee Award at SMPS and SMES Libraries

Post date: Jan 18, 2017 5:18:36 PM

Students from Spruce Mountain Primary School and Elementary School participate in voting for the Maine Chickadee Award in the school library. Every year, ten picture books are nominated for the award. Students from across Maine in grades K-4 listen to all ten books read aloud then vote for their favorite. The Chickadee Award is won by the book with the most votes.

Miss Wilkins and Mrs Mills love sharing these excellent books with their students, almost as much as students love hearing them. The library staff engage students with activities that help bring the books to life. For this school year, they have measured a space as big as a hippo, made origami boats, played the game Telephone, discussed their favorite unlikely pets, and much more.

We encourage teachers and families to consider reading present and past Chickadee books with their kids. For more information on the Chickadee Award, please visit their official website at this link.