Activity 5: Preparing the Healthy Snacks Day

Learning objectives:Creating a title for the day for improving healthy habits and writing a presentation.



The work undertaken in this activity is to prepare a list of recommendations based on the conclusions we have reached.


  - Title: A slogan

  - Introduction: Two or three lines explaining the intention of the text 

  - List of recommendations

  - Closure. 

Completing the text can be done in groups, but in the end each student will have to fill out their own as well. Name it “My list of recommendations” and put it in the folder.

The “LIST OF RECOMMENDATIONS” document that is in “Attached files” will help you follow the steps needed to complete the text.


Production:My list of recommendations” document


- What the teacher will assess: 

    - Suitable information in the writing

    - Adherence to the dictated procedure

-      Suitable design

 -      Correct handwriting


- Self-assessment:

  Fill out the self-assessment sheet corresponding to today’s work.