Assessing Criteria B


Strand 1: Justifies the choice of materials and components appropriate for commercial production

The student merely states the choice of materials, and not particularly well. This strand receives a two.

Strand 2: Justifies the choice of manufacturing techniques appropriate for commercial production

The student states the tools used for manufacturing (and injection moulding, briefly), but does not in any way state, describe, or justify the manufacturing techniques used. I wish I could award this strand a zero; because I cannot, it receives a one.

Strand 3: Justifies an appropriate scale and volume of production, based on appropriate research and suitability for the product

The student almost-adequately displays market research. This has been the first time that he showed any kind of effort. That being said, the research is not superb by any means, and is lacking at best. He also fails to show how the research should translate into a determined scale of production. This strand receives a four.

What should the NBP student have done to achieve a higher score? Describe one improvement to each section (Statement of the Problem; Design Brief; Design Spec)?

Strand 1 - Explained and justified his choice of materials

Strand 2 - Stated, explained and justified his choice of manufacturing techniques

Strand 3 - Done better research, specified scale of production

Which is the better Criteria A - IBO Sample or NBP student?

The IBO sample.

1. The IBO sample provides (albeit limited) justification for the choice of materials

2. The IBO sample provides mostly rational justification for the choice of manufacturing techniques

3. The IBO sample provides better research that comes to a conclusion about scale of production

Overall, I would rate the IBO sample a 6, and the NB sample a 2