Student loans aren't working

The Bennett Hypothesis holds that the cost of tuition will rise as funding for loans, subsidies, and other aid programs increases. I believe that this is true, in the sense that colleges are for-profit institutions. It's also worth noting that college was historically a class gateway, and there are classist motivations for making college unaffordable. The Bennett hypothesis relies on the economic system of the status quo being maintained. If Public Higher education were to be nationalized, prices could be set instead by the federal government.


  • Provide Free Tuition to all public colleges and increase student aid for private colleges
    • Would eliminate student debt both future and retroactive
    • could be a boon for the economy
    • colleges might significantly raise prices to extract money from the government

  • Allow declarations of bankruptcy to absolve debtor of student debt
    • Prevents student from becoming trapped in a debt cycle
    • Undo the disastrous congressional decision that prevented this in the first place
    • Still doesn't solve the problem of college affordability in the first place

  • Nationalize public colleges, set a maximum tuition price for private institutions tied to inflation, provide more aid
    • Same benefits as providing free public college
    • colleges can not longer predatorily raise prices
    • would help to eliminate inequality

I am planning to continue with higher education, but I am not planning on taking out student loans. I will obviously benefit from this arrangement, and I am extremely fortunate that my parents are willing to finance my education dreams. Additional winners include Brown University, who will be receiving the full cost of tuition, as well as the city of Providence, which is benefitted economically by Brown University and RISD.