Assessing Criteria B


Strand 1: Develops feasible ideas to meet appropriate specifications that explore solutions to the problem

I awarded a four for this strand. Four decent ideas are presented, though I would have liked to see more. However, while the author does provide basic justifications none of the ideas are checked against the design specification, which makes it difficult to compare designs as the project progresses.

Strand 2: Uses concept modeling and analyses the outcomes to guide design development

I awarded a two to this strand. The author provided some insight as to his conceptual process, but did not do any conceptual modeling, which is required.

Strand 3: Justifies an appropriate idea for detailed development

I awarded a three to this strand. This was borderline medium quality work. The author did provide a technical (presentation) drawing of the chosen design. The work lacked to important qualities. First, it was not annotated, which is a necessity to understands the parts, the design, and how the pieces interact. Second, no justification against the design specification was provided for the chosen design. Because of this, there is no insight into the author's rational, weighing, or design process, which is what this exercise is meant to test.

What should the NBP student have done to achieve a higher score? Describe one improvement to each section (Statement of the Problem; Design Brief; Design Spec)?

Strand 1 - More designs, with deeper justifications for each design, more than just references to supporting evidence

Strand 2 - More methodology and analysis, include conceptual modeling

Strand 3 - Annotate presentation drawing, provide lengthy justification against design spec

Which is the better Criteria A - IBO Sample or NBP student?

The IBO sample.

1. The IBO sample provided more designs with greater justification for each design

2. The IBO sample showed a clear progression of thought which includes conceptual modeling, unlike the NB student sample

3. The IBO sample provides annotated designs and a clear justification against the design spec

Overall, I would rate the IBO sample a 6, and the NB sample a 3