Black Magic Powder

Nissan Leaf

The Nissan Leaf is what the prognosticators of two decades ago assumed electric cars would be. Few foresaw the meteoric rise of Tesla, and fewer still expected that the electric car market would be so dominated by luxury vehicles. The Leaf cannot compete with Tesla, but I'd argue that it shouldn't.

The main selling point of the leaf is that it's efficient. It does everything that a car of the future should do for half the price of a luxury vehicle. Despite earning the praise of many environmentalists, the leaf has struggled to gain traction against competitors like the Prius.

That could all change with black magic powder. By revolutionizing the electric car industry, Nissan could establish itself as the benchmark for all other electric cars to meet. Tesla may be the car of the rich, but the leaf could be the car of the common man. Now far more energy efficient and cost-effective than all other cars in the field, the leaf would be the premier automobile of its kind.

For this to happen, however, the Leaf must remain affordable. For this reason, Nissan should employ Competitor-based pricing. This would make the Leaf the most desirable car for a wide audience, while preventing other companies from stealing sales by undercutting prices. With this technology--and this pricing strategy--Nissan could revolutionize the car world.