Assessing Criteria E


Strand 1: Develops the design, addressing the required modifications for a commercially viable production process

No drawings or models. No annotations. No changes shown over time. this strand is a one.

Strand 2: Presents the developed commercial product comprehensively

I awarded a one to this strand. The drawing and annotations are absent.

Strand 3: Develops an accurate design proposal of the commercial product in sufficient detail for a third party to manufacture the product

I awarded a two to this strand. A bill of materials is provided. There is no detailed technical drawing nor prototype. There is no assembly diagram.

What should the NBP student have done to achieve a higher score? Describe one improvement to each section (Statement of the Problem; Design Brief; Design Spec)?

Strand 1 - Provided drawings, models, and annotations that show change over time

Strand 2 - Provide a detailed presentation drawing with annotations showing modification for commercialization

Strand 3 - provided and assembly drawing + a more coherent commercialization process

Which is the better Criteria A - IBO Sample or NBP student?

The IBO sample.

1. The IBO sample provides annotations showing change over time, the NBP student does not

2. The IBO sample provides a relatively (although lacking) presentation drawing with some commercialization aspects noted in annotations

3. The IBO sample provides technical drawings but no true assembly drawings. regardless, this is better than the nothing provided by the NBP student.

Overall, I would rate the IBO sample a 4, and the NB sample a 1