Ergonomic practice

What are the psychological factors that affect my ability to learn in Mr. Moss’ Classroom?


  • Madison often shows me memes on her phone (unfavorable)
  • The shelf on the wall that separates the rooms is filled with flashing lights and signs. When people send user inputs to the shelves, that causes the signs to change which can be distracting (unfavorable)
  • Milo has a lot of erratic hand motions that distract me (unfavorable)


  • Mr. Moss is often interrupted, which makes it harder for him to convey important knowledge and information (unfavorable)
  • Mr. Moss speaks well and clearly. This makes it easy to understand the class material (favorable)
  • Students are occasionally reckless in the lab. The noise they make when they bump into stuff can be loud and distracting (unfavorable)

Layout of Room

  • Everything is well labeled, which makes it easy to determine what is where most of the time (favorable)
  • Sometimes students put stuff away wrong, which makes it a lot harder to find things, as they can be mislabeled or in the wrong place (unfavorable)
  • While others complain that the room is too spread out, I find it to be compact enough to get from place to place easily yet large enough to easily navigate past one another (favorable)