Cain's Arcade

Post date: Nov 17, 2016 6:41:39 PM

the low-res project.

low-res at a different angle.

foosball table.

foosball table at a different angle.

Knock hockey table.

Standing next to the knock-hockey table.

When I first began this project, I was looking to make a paper football game. When I was halfway through the prototype, Mr. Moss inspired me to go bigger. I then changed my project to a football table. My low-resolution project was simple; it was just and arena with two goals. My adobe illustrator for the foosball table would end up at 20 artboards in size. I first set up the base of the table; it had supports for the top part and a place where scored shots would end up. Then, I built the arena, which I engraved with typical soccer pitch lines. Each wall had holes in it, but I ran into trouble when I tried to create bars for the men. They ended up being too unstable, too low, and easily breakable. It was then that I decided to change the foosball table into a knock-hockey table, where each player would use a stick to attempt to hit the ball into the oppose goal. I am quite proud of the base of the table, the engravings, and the goal area. Given more time, I would convert it into a foosball table.