Propeller Car Summative #1

Side by Side Video


The original car


The sustainable car

Making Photos



  1. Conventional - any materials and adhesive can be used
  2. Sustainable - The materials had to be durable, the adhesive had to be removable, and no one material could compromise the integrity or reusability of another
  3. Sustainable - had to use materials that can be connected with no glue ( ex: we used cork to skewers into it in order to attach fins)


  • Conventional - accomplished the goal in 3 classes - WHM - did not compare time to build for each (was it different?)
  • Sustainable - accomplished the goal in 6 classes - WHM - what were the goals; did you exceed any of the goals - like hit the green door?
  • Sustainable - The sustainable designs required more time and effort to brainstorm and build. For instance, it was easier to solder the connections to the motor than it was to carefully wrap them. Glue was also easier than fixing and taping the joints. - WHM - did not quantify the differential design time and building time

Tools and techniques

    1. Conventional - no limitations - WHM - make the comparison to sustainable - I am assessing evidence-based arguments, and you are not providing evidence
    2. Sustainable - could not use glue, could not use solder. Heat - WHM - images of failed attempts would be helpful; else you are opining and you should state that it is your opinion
    3. Sustainable - looked for easily reversible joining techniques, like puzzle joints or tape - WHM - images

S5.1 - Summative Assessment #1 (38 marks) - Web Post - 28.5/38

  • side-by-side video showing the performance of both cars traveling down the 1st floor Hallway of the 300 Building (10 marks) - 10/10
  • 3 making photos, (10 marks) - 5/10 - no captions/annotations
  • journal (IB Style - 3 themes/3 bullet items per theme) reflecting on Sustainable Design versus Conventional Design - 18 marks) - 13.5/18 (75%) - you would have achieved a higher score if you had provided evidence of each of your claims - see notes above