Propeller Car Summative #2

Innovative Behaviors

Use of iterative process to prototype and evaluate, elicit feedback, and synthesize to improve on ideas

1) We went through multiple different propeller shapes to find the best one. This included having multiple generic shapes and winnowing down into the ideal based on comparative test results.

2) We went through multiple different versions of battery placement. This was done such that the battery would not interfere with the axel and prevent the car's back wheels from turning. However, it also needed to be stable and secure.

3) We shifted the size and shape of the holes for the bearings to have them fit better

Evidence for use of iterative process

(Left) the transformation of the car propeller

(Right) the original car battery placement design to the final one, showing a shift in position and orientation over time

(Left) the original design

(right) the modified hexagon shape

Leading Others in Brainstorming

1) Zach and I conducted thinking exercises where we would identify a problem and propose solutions. We would then take turns challenging each other's proposals to try to find the best one.

2) I used diagrams to model out plans for the car design

3) I used adobe illustrator to model the parts to cutout to explain to teammates how the pieces would interact

(above) Example diagrams to help guide the team

S5.2 - Summative Assessment #2 - Web Post (40 marks) - 26/40

Document 2 Instances of your two strongest behaviors described in the Innovation Rubric (include drawings and photo-documentation plus three supporting evidence bullets for describing each behavior....that is, a total of at least four drawings or photos and six evidence-based bullets in support of your two Innovation Behaviors)

Use of the iterative process - 16/20

Your hex hole (improved from round hole) is an excellent picture....better if both images are side-by-side with annotation on the single image, rather than two images divided by a caption; none of the three examples used three or more iterations to improve; no explanation of why the change in propeller design (hard to understand) or battery placement resulted in improved performance - no quantitative explanation; figures could be better if you designed a single art board with annotations on the drawing; use of images without annotations separated by a caption is below standard

Leading others in brainstorming - 10/20

Images and text do not provide evidence of the behavior - you claim the behavior but don't prove the behavior in your drawings and text; you would have received a better score if you made a storyboard showing depicting the timeline and evolution of the brainstorming process