Electrify Everything

Flaws in the Plan

  • Rapid Implementation
    • no transition window for the plan
    • doesn't take into account power shortages or delays
    • would have massive economic consequences that aren't accounted for
  • Cost
    • would require a massive government energy nationalization program
    • Spending could lead to cuts to other forms of necessary infrastructure
    • could lead to credit default
  • Technological Advancement
    • requires tech improvement at an unfeasible rate
    • ignores material cost of green tech
    • ignores supply chain + initial cost to get green tech materials

Opponents to the Plan

  • Energy industry workers
    • most will lose jobs
    • will turn out massively for pro-fossil fuel candidates
    • will create deep working class resentment
  • Stockbrokers
    • will lose a lot of money on stocks
    • will cause a market downturn
    • could tank economy as a whole
  • Republican voters
    • will energize right wing voters
    • they will turn out in elections
    • they will elect candidates who will prevent green tech development