Assessing Criteria D


Strand 1: Justifies a testing strategy to measure the success of the prototype

I awarded a five for this strand. Criteria D explains a relatively detailed testing strategy, but does not justify it sufficiently.

Strand 2: Evaluates the success of the prototype against the design specification

I awarded a three to this strand. I really struggle to judge this one. Technically, criteria d does evaluate the prototype against the design specification. Unfortunately, that evaluation is "yes" for every criteria.

Strand 3: Demonstrates how the prototype could be improved, considering how individual improvements affect the design as a whole

I awarded a two to this strand. They give two extremely brief improvement ideas, don't go into detail, and don't elaborate on their impact on the overall design

What should the NBP student have done to achieve a higher score? Describe one improvement to each section (Statement of the Problem; Design Brief; Design Spec)?

Strand 1 - Justify every testing procedure

Strand 2 - explain why the prototype meets the design spec

Strand 3 - More ideas, more in-depth, justified against the spec, explained in terms of the whole project

Which is the better Criteria A - IBO Sample or NBP student?

The IBO sample.

1. The IBO sample provided more justifications for strand 1

2. The IBO elaborated on why the prototype met the design spec

3. The IBO sample provides clear insights into what can be improved

Overall, I would rate the IBO sample a 7, and the NB sample a 3