Candy Dispenser V2


Candy Dispenser Journal — Milo, Jeff, Maddy, Grant


Our group built a candy launcher with a motion sensor. In the beginning, we wanted to automate the process so that it would only take a coin for someone to use our machine. Using this, we set up an Arduino and connected it to both a servo and a motion sensor, and programmed the servo to rotate when it detected motion. We then 3d printed a box and coin slot to hold the setup. We mounted carrier on the servo so that when activated, the servo would launch candy at the person who dropped the coin.

Overall, this project was great in teaching the importance of prototyping and iterative design. Our first design was built out of cardboard and didn’t work at all. The sensor was constantly triggered and the entire body of the dispenser was unstable. In the second attempt around, we 3d printed the body as well as mounting the servo on the outside of the box. This made the entire dispenser significantly more sturdy and allowed us to create a larger angle of motion when launching candy at unsuspecting children.

Thinking Creatively

"Use of iterative process to prototype and evaluate, elicit feedback, and synthesize to improve on ideas"

When our group started out to create a candy launcher, our initial prototype was built of cardboard and a poorly-coded arduino.

To improve the design, we started out the second iteration by modeling the candy launcher basin:

The initial candy launcher design

After modeling the basic design, as seen to the left, we decided to brainstorm how mechanisms and people would interact with the basin:

We then modeled that idea:

When the coin slot was too small, we moved

it's placement to the back of the candy launcher:

Thus, we showed iterative design my repeatedly prototyping and improving our design to account for challenges. This can be most easily seen through the way that we shifted the placement of the sensor. We first discussed ideas, then prototyped, and then moved the sensor.

"Representing thinking in various forms so that others can understand and respond to ideas (such as sketches, prototypes, or storyboards)"

We did a great job of this. Every design decision began with a group meeting, where we would use whiteboards to propose design ideas. We would also storyboard what we wanted the intended interaction would be. After coming to a group consensus, we would go forward and model the design in Fusion360. If we agreed upon the design after that point, we would build it.

Two examples of group feature proposals

A group storyboard of an interaction with the candy launcher

A model of the candy launcher made with Fusion360

"Using multiple strategies to generate original ideas"

We generated ideas in multiple ways. These included both group discussions and mind maps. Our group discussions proved to be critical, as bandying ideas off of one another is what gave us the idea for the i candy launcher in the first place. This technique also helped us to work cooperatively while brainstorming changes, using each other for inspiration. The mind maps helped us to visualize our thinking. This was important, as it helped us keep track of old ideas while building on them to make new ones.

An early idea map for the sensor component

Milo (left), Jeff (left, obscured partially by Milo) and I (right) having a group discussion about the arduino code.

"Leading others in brainstorming"

One of the ways in which I lead other's in brainstorming was to convoke group meetings, during which we would discuss the project as a whole as well as the individual parts. During these meetings, I would use models and prototypes to get my group mates thinking. I also worked to foster a light-hearted atmosphere where all suggestions were accepted and considered. This proved effective, as we were able to overcome all obstacles and build a successful candy launcher.

Two (comedic) drawings of group interactions that took place while I was sick.

A quick design sketch I presented to the group

Working Creatively with Others (Group Work)

As Milo probably mentioned in his writing, I was sick for a lot of the early building. That meant that I wasn't able to contribute to the building in the early stage. But that didn't stop me from contributing to the group. I would frequently call and speak to him, offering feedback on whatever was being built. When I returned, I made sure to make up for lost time, doing everything I could to offer feedback on the project and fix design errors (like the coin slot).

A group meeting where I suggested changing the angle to which the servo rotated.

Amplifying others' thinking and models how to build on good ideas

One thing that became clear early on was that Milo and I were taking the lead on the project. We realized that this was more our fault than it was our groupmates'. What I decided to do was to ask Madison and Jeff to research specific parts of the project, which they then brought back to the group to present. This was important, because it seemed to give them the confidence to speak up in team conversations and suggest new ideas. This helped our future design, as their input was integral to the building process.

Showing leadership in helping advance team effort

One of my primary roles as a leader was to assign tasks. and while there was some confusion and lack of cohesion at first, we fixed it by the end of the project. One of the ways in which I acted as leader was to ask Madison and Jeff to research specific parts of the candy launcher, which helped the group to communicate more.

Another way in which I acted as leader was to help decide group disagreements. For instance, on the issue of the coin slot, the group looked to me to make the final call while under time pressure.

A drawing Madison made to commemorate the last work day.

IB Style Reflection

taking into my success as a group organizer and as a facilitator of good cooperation and idea generation, I believe I have shown proficiency with my performance.

Thinking Creatively (proficient)

I contributed multiple ideas to the project that were critical steps in the progression to the final design. These included both the initial suggestion of mechanizing the candy dispenser, the design and layout of the Arduino and servo, and moving the position of the sensor (which ultimately allowed it to work).

I helped to further creative thinking by producing models and diagrams. These allowed me and members of my group to visualize our designs and improve them.

I also started multiple group discussions during which we would burnish our ideas and build upon what we had. Many important design decisions (including the aforementioned ones) were made during these meetings. I also Macgyvered together a contraption to fix the broken servo under serious time constraints.

Working Creatively with Others (proficient)

I often lead group discussions of ideas, which helped everyone contribute while preventing anyone from feeling left out.

I delegated duties to others, which kept the group organized and on-schedule while I was present.

I made a point of keeping the group on task, frequently serving as the arbitrator of disagreements within the group.

Implementing Ideas (developing)

When I was working in the capacity of a leader the group worked efficiently and on schedule.

I served as the mechanical lead for the team, helping to make the initial project as well as future improvements and part movements.

I tested the candy launcher for quality before the actual test, noticed errors, and fixed the machine accordingly.