August 31 

Class Starter Question: 

From the Game of Life, how did you feel about your results? Like and dislike? about what happened to you? 

Neighbor Intros - Pick a neighbor and introduce them to the class. Stand at seat tell us their name, their grade, any interests or activities and their current relationship $ (Money) Mula! Dolla-dolla Bills!

SMART Goals Discussion

Standard 1 -Learning Target 1 Proficiency Scale Link 

SMART Goals Worksheet -File make a copy and leave the name the same, just delete the "Copy of" part and move to your shared drive to work on it.

Learning Target Instructions: After completing the first page of the Worksheet, write an I will Goal statement in SMART Form on the second page that is a financially based goal. Refer to the proficiency scale link for details on what is expected. 

Finish Steps in Purchasing a car 

Use these for this assessment  (Steps)

Standard 1 - Learning Target #2 Proficiency Scale Link

Purchasing a vehicle through the decision making process.