August 17

Review some class procedures

Chrome Books and Shared Folder in Drive

Setup Google Drive Folder

Initial Set-Up:

  • Log in to your school email account

  • Open Google Drive and create a folder.

  • Title your folder as follows: class period _lastname first initial_Financial Literacy ex. A1_PotterR_FIN LIT

  • Share your folder with Mr. Potter:

Show GFL Website

Neighbor Intros - Pick a neighbor and introduce them to the class. Stand at seat tell us their name, their grade, any interests or activities and their current relationship $ (Money) Mula! Dolla-dolla Bills!


A Billion Dollars vs A Million Dollars

Money Discussion - Is it bad to want money? Lots of money? Truckloads of money?

Financial Collage Google Presentation - Create a Google Presentation and insert pictures that explains and paints a picture of your Financial Goals. Name this assignment "Financial Goals Collage"

*If you open your shared drive first and then create a "New" presentation it should save in that folder. If not drag the file to your folder and drop it in there

Reminder Course Disclosure Form is due Monday 8/22