August 18

Review some class procedures

Chrome Books and Shared Folder in Drive 

Setup Google Drive Folder 

    Initial Set-Up:

Self Intros - stand or sit where you are and tell us your name grade and a NUMBER that represents you in some way or another and explain. Accounting is all about he numbers, but there is always people behind those numbers. 

First Assignment

Open a New Google Presentation in your shared folder and create 10 slides using the following link 

First slide should just contain the letters GAAP and add a visual of GAAP from the internet. 

the next 10 slides should list (1 per slide) the 10 principles of gap 

title each slide with the principle and copy and past the description of that principle in the slide body. 

Name it GAAP - We will go through what you found together before we leave. 

Reminder Course Disclosure Response Form due Tuesday August 22nd