October 03

Post date: Oct 5, 2015 1:09:37 PM

Class Starter: Name someone in your life that you think is a leader. What qualities do they have that show they can lead, what qualities do they show that make them a leader?

Leadership and Management

Leaders vs. Managers Article Video

As we start to discuss Chapter 7 and Leadership, I want you to do some research on a leader in the Public Eye. 

Create a Google Presentation with 5 slides containing the following:

Name and historical information 

Position(s) held and with which groups/organizations/businesses

Highlights from their time as a leader

What they were really known for (their THING)

Why you like them and what you can learn from them to develop as a leader yourself. 

Some examples of who you could research: Sports coaches, business leaders, world leaders, church leaders, historical figures, Pioneers in different areas or industries, or athletes/entertainers. 

Please title it Leaders and make sure it is in your shared folder.