August 21/22

Post date: Aug 24, 2015 5:04:20 AM

Class Starter/Bell Work Sheets:  File Make a copy and add your name and Class Period and make sure it is in your shared folder

Values Class Starter

Write in the answer column your top 10 values from the list. 

Discussion about Time and Choices

There is definitely a correlation between time and Money. If you don't see it, look at your job, if you clock in at work, you completely understand time and money. There is also value in starting to invest money at a younger age and the ability to make more than those that wait. 

Directly here though we want to understand the value of time and how our choices of how we use our time is important. 

I like this little motivational video about the importance of Time - please watch it 

Time Video from You Tube

 (Links to an external site.)

What are some typical responses you hear people say when asked if they did something, but they did not do it?

"Oh I didn't have time"

"No I had to do something else" 

"I just didn't have time, I had to _____"

Those are all blatant lies, but we are all guilty of saying them. Like the video shows, we all have time, in the same amount each day, 86,400 seconds. Now some of us will have more time on this Earth than others, but we all have the same amount of time in a day. And we all have our agency (I don't like the term "Free Agency") because it isn't free, we have a cost to all choices. the cost is time. 

If I choose to do one thing, I give up time to do something else, anything else. This concept is called Opportunity Cost, maybe one of the most important concepts to understand when it comes to Time and Decision Making. 

Taco Bell may giving away one free taco to everyone who comes in this Friday, but it isn't really free, in fact nothing in life is free, because of opportunity cost,  What else could I be doing instead of enjoying a free taco? The endless list of answers to that question is called Opportunity Cost. 

We should instead change our verb-age to " I chose to not do that because I chose to do this with my time" or "I didn't make time for that" or " I didn't prioritize time for that" This allows us to take accountability and ownership of our time and choices. 

Other Factors that influence our decision making: 








Religion and Religious Leaders

Hobbies and work. 

School classes and activities. 

Culture and Environment. 

Health and wellness

Quiz on Course Disclosure Next Class Wednesday/Thursday 

Course Disclosure Response Due Tuesday (22nd)

SUU Check In - must be accepted to SUU if you are not already 

**Note: you need to be sure they applied through this website (NOT