March 22

Bell Work Question: What are 3 things that quickly de-motivate you when you are part of an organization/team/group?

Forbes article on Bad Manager Practices.

TED Talk

Divide up topics in Chapter 10 and research to present to class next time. If you are comfortable with your topic read through the others. It is a lot to memorize and you will need to know it for the test.

Mari - Fredrick taylor

Elsie - Mayo

Zion - Maslow

Herzberg - Alaina

Macey - Theory X

Brandon Theory y

Hallie Theory Z

Johnny - MBO

Tyce - Expectancy THeory

Josh - Reinforcement Theory

Taya - Equity Theory

Aurora - Job ENrichment

Jentrie - Open Communication

Brianna - Applying open communication in self managed teams

Sam - recognizing a job well done

Jolee - Motivating employees across generations