February 20/21

Post date: Feb 26, 2016 1:44:56 PM

Class Starter Question: Analyze the image at the bottom of the page. What does it mean? Do you agree? What can you take from it? 

B day only John C Maxwell Chapter from last class

Costs of Education - Discussion Is it worth it? Why? What can you do to ensure that it is a good investment?



Every University

Using the Chrome Books: Perform research on a post secondary institution you would like to attend. Answer the following questions:

What is the name of the school?

What is the name of the degree you wish to receive from the school?

How many years will it take to obtain the degree (certificate)?

What will be your approximate total costs to finish the degree?

What career do you hope to obtain by having the degree?

What is the average annual salary in the US for the career you will use the degree to obtain?

What might be some of the struggles you would occur if you choose to not obtain an education after high school? Short term and Long Term?

What non-monetary value is their in the chosen career that you wish to pursue?

Please type all of this in a Google Doc and Title it your name and After High School and save it in your folder  

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