VIET 102, Project 3

3. Explore

Hoi An


You may work together in pairs, groups of 3, or individually and ask a speaker of southern dialect to help you go over the vocabulary in your textbook (pp. 309-316). Almost all of the words in the textbook are in northern dialect, and in most cases, the words are the same in both dialects. However, there are several words that may show dialectal differences. When there is variation between the dialects, the Vietnamese speaker can tell you the southern dialect equivalents.

Your class may want to divide up the list of words in the glossary and you or your group will be in charge of a portion of the list.

Your goal is to both review the vocabulary you learned in Viet 101 and Viet 102 and together as a class, make a list of dialectal differences in vocabulary.


Use this Vietnamese Dialect Log to record the dialectal differences in vocabulary.

At the end of the semester, you will submit your list of dialectal differences to the teacher. Your teacher will share the class folder with everyone so that everyone has a complete list.

Optional: You can work in pairs or group to create a humorous skit in Vietnamese to illustrate a misunderstanding due to a vocabulary difference between northern and southern dialect. Your teacher may assign bonus points for the skit. Have fun!


Your teacher will evaluate your Vietnamese Dialect Log by using this rubric.

When you have completed the Dialect Log, go to the Reflection page to wrap up this project.

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