3. Explore


You will work in pairs and interview each other in order to introduce each other to the class in a slide presentation that you will present orally in class and then publish to the web. For fun, in this presentation, you will give all truths [thật] and two 'lies' [giả] (false statements) about your partner. The class will guess which details are false.


Step 1: In pairs, interview each other in Vietnamese. This step is broken into 4 stages, each stage is a group of contents in the Presentation Content below. You will complete the stages as you cover the Resources.

Step 2: For the oral presentation in class: Prepare an online Presentation (Google Slides or any other online presentation tool you prefer) with illustrations about your classmate. You can take pictures of your classmate and related places or objects. You can use images found online. Don't use written text in the slides except for proper names. You will need to rehearse what you will say.

For the slideshow to be published on the web: Add a last page in which you provide a written description of your classmate. This should be based on what you have said in the previous slides, minus the two 'lies.'

Your teacher will also break this step into stages so you get the slides done gradually.

Step 3: Have your partner check the slides for language and fact accuracy. Revise the slides based on your partner's feedback. Share your online Presentation with the teacher for feedback.

Step 4: Give the oral presentation in small groups in class using the online Presentation you created (except the last slide with the written description). The group will guess the two 'lies.'


Use this content guide to help you ask questions in your interview of your partner. The contents have been put in groups that correspond to the items on the Resources page.

  1. Họ tên: Introduce your partner's full name and the meaning of their first name. To ask for the meaning of someone's name: "Tên bạn/ anh/ chị có ý nghĩa thế nào?" (ý nghĩa: meaning, thế nào: how). Include a photo of your classmate and an image that illustrates the meaning of their name.
  2. Quốc tịch: Your partner's nationality. [link back to the Resources that can help you with these items]
  3. Ngày sinh và tuổi: Your partner's birth day and how old s/he is.
  4. Nơi sinh: Where your partner was born in, and a place where s/he was not born in.
  5. Nơi sinh sống: Where your partner has been living in the last 10 years.
  6. Địa chỉ: Your partner's address in the US and your partner's family or friend's address in Vietnam if any.
  7. Số điện thoại: Your partner's cell phone number. [link back to the Resources that can help you with these items]
  8. Hoạt động hàng ngày: A day in your partner's life (daily routines with times and places) [link back to the Resources that can help you with these items]
  9. Hoạt động hàng tuần: A week in your partner's life (what courses they take and what they do each day of the week).
  10. Việt Nam: Whether you partner's been to Vietnam and if yes, where they have been to.
  11. Ngành học và nghề nghiệp: Your partner's major, current job, or dream job, and a job that your partner has not had or does not plan to have.
  12. Năm tốt nghiệp: When your partner will graduate college.
  13. Fun Facts: Some fun facts (your choice of topics) about your partner. [link back to the Resources that can help you with these items]

Remember to embed two false statements about your partner among the true statements!


  • Nói tiếng Việt 100%!
  • You need to talk to the audience, not read your notes. The written description is for grading and feedback only.
  • Your teacher will let you know how long your presentation should be.
  • Rehearse and practice so you will speak naturally!
  • The audience needs to listen and guess the two false statements in each presentation by filling out this TRUE/FALSE form.


It's time to show your class to the world!

After your teacher has given you feedback and comments, revise your slides to be published on the web. Your teacher will combine all of your presentations into one Class Presentation for the whole class.

Invite friends and family members to view the Class Presentation online. Ask them to give a message in Vietnamese to the class ("Ba/ Má/ Anh/ Chị có lời nhắn gì cho lớp con/em?").


  • Your oral presentation will be evaluated using this rubric.
  • Your written description will be evaluated using this rubric.

Next, go to the Reflection page.