5. Reflect

Trống đồng Ngọc Lũ


1. What did you learn in this short project about the dialects of Vietnam?

2. What are your impressions about the different dialects of Vietnam?

3. What are your family members' or friends' impressions about the dialects of Vietnam?

4. How are the social meanings of the northern and southern dialects in Vietnam different from the social meanings of the northern and southern dialects in the US?

5. Look back at the bottom of the Entry Event page. Did you learn what you wanted to learn about Vietnamese dialects and people's attitudes?

Continuing Task and Final Outcome

1. Dialect Log

While the northern dialect is used in most Vietnamese textbooks and classes (it matches the written text a bit more, it is most used in the media, and it is widely understood), being familiar with the other dialects is important and useful.

For that purpose, start a Dialect Log in which you record dialect variations between the Vietnamese dialects, in the media, in class, or in Vietnamese conversations around you. Toward the end of the semester, you will submit a list of at least 10 dialectal differences that you observed. For each variation, record the following:

- the word's written form and meaning

- the word's dialectal variations

- the context where you heard it (who was saying it to whom)

Please open this Google Doc: Dialect Log template. In this file, go to File > Make a copy and save it in your own Google Drive. Share your own Dialect Log with your teacher. She will check your progress and give feedback after 3 weeks, 7 weeks, and 10 weeks into this project.

2. Critique by an Expert

Show your completed log to a competent native speaker of Vietnamese. (1) Ask them if your notes are accurate. (2) Ask them what they think about your notes. (3) Record their responses in the last page of your log (insert the expert's full name and contact information). (4) Revise your log if necessary.

3. Evaluation

Your Dialect Log will be evaluated by your teacher at the end of the semester using this rubric.

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