Class Management

Classroom Management


  1. Develop a strategy to relate the Bible with science concepts.

  2. Explore effective study skills and habits to maximize learning and develop as a self-learner.

  3. Make efforts to go beyond memorization to higher levels of concept building (synthesis) and data analysis (problem solving).

  4. Develop skills in data analysis, technical writing, and other forms of communication.

Expectations and Policies

Make-Up Tests

    1. If student is ready to take the test before the instructor returns graded tests, the student may take the same test.

    2. If the instructor returns tests before student is ready to take the test, student will take a different test. May be different in style, but not in content.

    3. Once instructor remakes a test, the student and the student's parents will be informed that the student has one week in which to take the test remake.

    4. A grade of zero will be put in the grade book for that test if it is not taken within the allotted time and parents will be contacted.

Make-Up Projects, Labs or Homework

    1. Projects completed after the due date will be given a 20% reduction in grade. Projects must be made up by the end of each quarter or the student will be given a zero for that project.

    2. Labs cannot be made up. Students grades will be pro-rated as though the lab was not a required grade. However, students are responsible to know what the lab was about and how the lab was done and what the results of the lab were for testing purposes.

    3. Homework completed after the due date will be given a 20% reduction in grade. Homework can be handed in up until the day of the chapter or unit test. After that, the student will be given a zero for that homework.


    • Students expected to work hard in class. Homework is for the most part to be an extension of their class work.

    • When instructor rings bell, students are to stop what they are doing, stop talking and give the instructor their full attention.

    • Students who are inhibiting a positive learning class environment will be given a yellow card

    • Being late/tardy to class

    • Talking while the instructor is talking.

    • Forgetting calculators and things you need for class

    • Going to the bathroom during class period

    • Busy doing something other than science.

    • Busy doing something other than what the instructor wants students to be doing.

      • Behavior that disrupts the class from what the instructor wants the class to be focused on.

      • Doing nothing when the instructor wants students to be doing a specific task.

    • Students who are harming equipment or persons in the class will be given a red card:

      • Behavior that does not respect or recognize the serious or dangerous nature of the science lab, experiment, or equipment being used.

      • Behavior that does not respect or recognize the value of an individual(s) in the class.

    • Students who contribute to the improvement of the school or classroom will be given a green card:

      • Completing written or electronic evaluation forms. Periodically students will be asked to complete evaluations of a science unit and/or the instructor.

      • Helping take care of animals by cleaning cages, filters or helping clean the science room.

    • Students come prepared to class by bringing:

      • Science textbook

      • Science notebook

      • Calculator (inexpensive)

      • Pencil or pen and paper