Nature of Biology

The Nature of Biology

Course Goals

    1. To be able to use statistical analysis (students t-Test, X2, & ANOVA for certain data.

    2. To communicate research results through poster presentations, oral presentations, lab reports and research papers.

    3. To develop working skills/knowledge of key biological concepts and principles.


  1. To understand science class safety procedures & class policies

    1. Calculations and converting within the SI system of units (Metric System)

    2. Graphing: How to make a Graph from collected data.

    3. Rounding using the principles of Significant Figures

    4. How to do Lab Reports

    5. Calculations using Scientific Notation

    6. Introduction to Statistical Analysis: Comparison of the Average of Two Groups (students t-Test)

Spiritual Concept

Romans 1:20. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

    1. Why did God create the universe the way He did?

    2. How important is God's creation in revealing God compared to the Bible in revealing God?