Capstone Topics

Capstone Topic Ideas

Search Bio-ethics on-line for ideas and current issues.



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    1. Child obesity

    2. Birth control

    3. Brain washing

    4. Euthanasia

    5. Legalization of marajuana

    6. Medical Marajuana

    7. Stem cell research

    8. Deforestation

    9. Plastic surgery

    10. Eating disorder - orthorexia

    11. Temperary insanity

    12. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    13. Genetic engineering of food

    14. Human Cloning

    15. Local Land Fill

    16. Autism

    17. Christian Censorship: Where to draw the line

    18. Treatment of race horses

    19. Designer Genes and offspring

    20. Not doing capstone project

    21. Aspbergers: To include or not to include

    22. Dangers of eating irradiated foods

    23. Vacinations: help or hinderance

    24. Nanotech-based pesticides

    25. Abortion

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