Information for Substitute Teachers

Directions for using my science website:

    1. Open up the computer's web brouser

    2. Log into your own gmail account or this school's gmail account if you have one.

    3. Open up a new tab in the browser and copy and paste this URL address into the address line at the top of the page:

    4. Find the class(es) that you are subbing for.

    5. Click on the link to the current chapters we are doing (in bold)

    6. In the left column is a subpage listing. Click on the schedule link and find the day (session) that you are subbing and read horizontally for what activities and topics to cover.

Why would you need to get into my science website?

    1. You can see my class planner. They are not synchronized with actual dates, but it gives you a general view of where we've been and where we are going.

    2. You can find the links to many of the videos to stream online for the class.

    3. You can find links to other articles or resources.

    4. You won't have access to any of my documents that are in my Google Account, but I've designed your subbing experience such that you should not need access to those anyway.