08 Solar System

Chapter 8: The Solar System


    1. Retrograde motion

    2. Retrograde motion of planets

    3. Testing for planetary life

Math Skills

    1. Heliocentric Longitude (p. 220)

    2. Planet periods (p. 222)

    3. Percentages

    4. Unit Conversions

    5. Scientific notation

    6. Decimals


    1. Compare and contrast geocentric and heliocentric models of the solar system.

    2. Describe each planet's position in orbit around the Sun.

    3. Classify planets by location and characteristics.

    4. Compare and constrast other inner planets with Earth.

    5. Describe important characteristics for each inner planet.

    6. Evaluate the success of various missions to Mars.

    7. Compare and contrast the outer planets.

    8. Describe important characteristics about each outer planet.

    9. Evaluate the success of NASA missions Galileo and Cassini.

    10. Evaluate other planets in the solar system for the possibility of containing life.

    11. Examine life forms that exist in exotic locations on Earth.

    12. Discuss locations in which life might exist on other planets.

Spiritual Concept

For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. (Romans 1:20)

    • How important is God's creation compared to the Bible in terms of revealing God?

    • What about God's creation illustrates his eternal power? (First define what you mean by "eternal power".)

    • What about God's creation illustrates his divine nature? (First define what you mean by "divine nature".)