Kayla - Solar

How we get Solar Power?

We get solar power from solar panels. Solar panels convert sunlight into energy. When the sunlight hits the solar panel it turns the PV light (light electricity or the sun rays) into electricity. If there was 30 solar panels it would be around 8.0-kW. As long as there is sunlight you will get all the energy you need. There are some disadvantages and advantages about solar power but all in all solar power is superior.

Where is Solar Power Being Used?

Solar power can be used anywhere. It can be used from homes to schools anywhere in the world. Solar power is mostly used in Germany, Italy, and China. In Germany about 34,411 people installed solar panels, in Italy 16,361 people have installed solar panels, and in China 8,300 people installed solar panels.

Pros about Solar Power

    • Renewable

    • Sustainable

    • Silent

    • Low maintenance

Cons about Solar Power

    • Expensive

    • Needs a lot of space

    • Exotic Materials

    • Not continuous

Do I believe solar power is good?

I believe solar power is good renewable energy. Yes, it can be very expensive to buy or it may need a lot of space but, it is very silent and friendly to the environment. Solar power also lowers electricity bills. Say if you’re bill costs $100 it would be around $50 with solar power. Solar power is the best way to go.