Carly - Solar

Solar Energy

How We Get Energy From Solar Panels

The solar panels attract the sun. Once the sunlight reaches the panel it can knock an electron from its bond creating space for pv cells to move. Once they are free to move they all move to one side. Then they follow a electrical current and it leads to a place to store electricity. Then from there that energy is transformed into usable energy. Lastly, they are used for generating electricity for buildings, and homes.

Image result for how solar panels Work

Pros With Solar Energy

    • energy bill decrease

    • the electric company pays you if you make more energy

    • makes no noise

    • Abundant

    • renewable

    • sustainable

Cons With Solar Energy

    • cost money to build

    • exotic materials

    • ugly on house

    • requires space

    • weather can ruin the panels

Do The Pros Outweigh The Cons?

The pros outweigh the cons because there are so many long term benefits with solar power like, even though it is expensive they lower electrical bills in the future.

Should We Use Solar Power In The Future?

We should use solar power energy in the future because there is so much sun on the earth and it can be put to use. It also provides energy and your energy bill is decreased, and sometimes the energy company pays you!

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