Heatwaves, Deadliest Heats - Top Seven Worst Heatwaves by John Karavanas

By John Paul Karavanas

Heatwaves, the hottest disaster, are dangerous, though not as common as other disasters. They are high levels of heat causing possible death! Might as well call them Death Waves!

These evil waves can even happen in the wintertime! Heat waves could become a lot more daily in life by 2039.

Anyhow, all articles in this list will be reworded in my own writing from Gizmodo and Wikipedia

Number 7 - The Great Stink - 1858

Image result for heatwaves the great stink

Urban planners weren't quick enough and sooner they knew, a heatwave hit London and caused the nearby lake to go to utter garbage! The stink was so bad that anyone who sniffed it during the event would NEVER forget the scent. Everyone recorded it as the most repulsive weather incident.

Number 6 - Urban Heat Attack - 1948

Image result for heatwaves 1948

Temperatures in New York, Philadelphia, and other cities connected with the century mark for 5 full days. American's urban areas were big and bustling, with more people than ever were crammed together. To get out of the heat, they ran off to any cold places they could get to nearby.

Number 5 - The Land Down Hotter - 2009

Image result for heatwaves 2009

In January, Melbourne in Australia saw three days of straight 108 or 115.5 Farenheit heat and excessive use of AC caused the power to go bang, 200 people went to a show of Hancock on Friday night to get a pool seat.

Number 4 - Power out, Yorkie Snout! - 1977

Another one taking it's toll in New York City, the electricity has burnt out. Then it all started, the looting, the fire hydrants spraying water, and even a killer, the son of Sam, was roaming the streets, killing brown haired people. Chaos filled the streets, it was absolute madness! Everyone was hot.

Number 3 - The Hot Follow Up - North America 1936

Image result for heat waves North America 1936

A dangerous winter, one of the coldest ever recorded, just ended and then a heatwave forms! Talk about crazy weather. The Dust Bowl had already wrecked all their crops in the Great Plains. Cities roasted in the bursting heatwave(s). It was during the depths of the Great Depression and at least 5000 people died!

Number 2 - Heat-ago - Chicago, 1995

Image result for heat waves Chicago, 1995

It was warned by the CDC for years, but few cities actually cared. But, when Chicago's Temperatures went into triple digits, there was a HUGE problem. As Chicago wasn't one to follow the warning, The city had no backup plan, people opened fire hydrants to get water, but removed water pressure from the buildings surrounding the hydrant. 700 Casualties were estimated.

Number 1! - European Heatwave! - 2003

Image result for heat waves European Heatwave! - 2003

Most countries temperatures had gone north of 100 and planted themselves there for two weeks! Most people don't have air-conditioners in their abodes. France had the worst luck with 14,000 estimated deaths, most of those deaths where elderly. In the south Crops Failed, Forest Fires spread thru Portugal, and melting glaciers in Switzerland caused Flash Floods. About 25,000 unfortunate souls lost their lives.


A heatwave is more likely to occur in the afternoon of the day, so this survival guide is for that time of day.

Hint Number One : If the weather is excessively hot, it might be a heatwave.

Hint Number Two : If the news is reporting on the weather as a heatwave, follow this guide.

Get cold objects that will last, like an ice pack.

Get a way to carry flashlights and other small hand items, like a book bag.

Establish a meeting zone if a fire starts

Go to the lowest room without windows

Step 1 - Gather supplies

The supplies that are most essential are flashlights, bags, ice packs, food, cold water, radios and possibly sleeping bags. If you have these objects, you could last 2 days at least in your safest room.

If some supplies are not available, make-do with other objects that you can acquire.

Step 2 - Get to darkest, coldest room

Best places would be the basement, downstairs bathroom, downstairs closet, or anything below or at ground level for your area.

Step 3 - Head Count

Make sure everyone is there, that all your supplies are there, and that no windows or slithers of light are there.

Step 4 - Survive

You have your everything? Do you like the room? If you said no to either of those questions, TOO BAD! You will have to stay in there until the radio says you can come out, or until it gets cooler.

If you have to stay for couple days, (which isn't likely) remember to set sleeping bag locations and to stay further away from each other, don't hug tightly, or hug in general.

Stay safe and stay aware, Heat Waves are nearly everywhere!