Gabe - Solar Energy

What is it Solar Energy?

Solar Energy Solar energy is one of most renewable energies in the world and is the most reliable energy and, is one of the most used energies acroos the united states

What are solar panels?

The Sun's reflection goes on to the solar panels creating the rays from the sun to electricity. Solar panels can be located on top of houses in field and other places that other sources of energy can't.

Where have you seen Solar Panels ?

I've seen solar panels near Lower Township High school and on the roof of houses.


  • cheapest energy source to build

  • solar panels can be put in various places

  • solar panels don't produce noise

  • does not have to be checked


  • Takes up space

  • unnatractive

  • costs money

  • produces none at night

Do you think solar energy is one of the best ?

I think solar energy is one of the most superior energy producers out there.It is very advanced I hope to see more in New Jersey. I think the pros out due the cons becuase you are able to but them in various spaces that wind and other energies can't do.