
Last Week

Final project: 

Haroun Help:

Rushdie on 9/11

Check out Lunapic

Fri May 19th

Rushdie on 9/11

Check out Lunapic


Final project: 

Haroun Help:

Tues-Thurs 5/16-18

Read Haroun On-line

Reading schedule:

Fri. 5/5 Discuss chapter three read as far as you can

Service week get to chapter 9

Monday 5/15 Chapter 9

Tues 5/16:  11

Thurs 5/18 Finish

Fri 5/5

Week of 5/1


After you finish reading chapter one:

Record your first impressions in writing.  Start a new Doc in your folder.  Tell me what you think and ask any questions you want to talk about.

Week of 4/24


Friday: Haroun and the Sea of Stories

            Intro and reading schedule

Thurs-Fri April 20th-21st: 

This week 4/18-21

T4/14-4/17  Four day weekend: did you do some catch up work?

Tues 4/18

Come back talk about African stories

Get a Copy of “The Cranes”

Thurs April 20th:

Research Korea (Pfouts gone)

Asian Choices--read for Friday

Fri. 4/21: Discuss Asian--Make one image. Show off images

Thurs 4/13: Subday

Agenda and Sub Plans

Next Week watch these and get into design/composition

Graphic Design

Photoshop Mini Documentary


Show off our images


You should do the following things in this order:

If you haven't...

Writing Questions:

If you're caught up...

Pick a story from the list of Latin American Choices.  Choose what sounds interesting they're different but all good.   Copies will be on the back table. After we read these, we're going to create images and present them to each other.  People can pick the same stories, but I'd love to see most of them covered.  

Week of 4/3

Latino Literature

"In the Family"


 Monday Night Homework: "Very Old Man with Enormous Wings"  (or "Sophie and the Angel")


Thurs: Choices:

This week's tutorials


Thursday 3/23:  Wrap-up

Friday: Look at images 1-3.  Talk Literature, Pixlr Technique and Image composition

Mon-Tues 3/20-21

Content-Language Objective: Students will hear some new stories, find some new poems, learn some new tools and move on to Image #3, 


Fri 3/17

Content-Language Objective: Students will finish up their initial images and look into more literature.


Next week:


Tutorial #2


Find your own Tutorial--on a webpage or Youtube--any good ones email me


Tue 3/14


Mon 3/13

Content-Language Objective: Students will get a sense of how the class will work and start creating images.


Writing questions for "The Shadow" (Create a new Doc in your folder)

Some other questions to consider:

Poetry, Folktales, Intro and Tutorials 

Info Sheet

Last Week:

Week of 5/18

Fri 5/8

Mon 5/4

Fri 5/1

Thurs 4/30

Mon 4/27

Content-Language Objective: Students will wrap up the short story choice unit and transition to their next image.


Fri 4/24

Content-Language Objective: Students will get caught up on their images and move into the short story choice unit. 


Tues-Thurs 4/21-24

Content-Language Objective: Students will get caught up on their images and move into the short story choice unit. 


Thurs 4/16

Content-Language Objective: Students will get caught up on their images and move into the short story choice unit. 


They're both Russian short stories--both good.

Mon-Tues 4/13-14

Content-Language Objective: Students will explore poetry from around the world and move on to their next image.


Fri 4/10

Content-Language Objective: Students will progress with Photoshop by creating quick images based on "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" and "The Nose."  Next week we will move a poetry unit.


Today's tutorial:

Masking in Two Minutes

Thurs 4/8


Tues 4/7

Content-Language Objective: Pfouts and Photoshop experts will help people get up to speed with the basics of the software.


Friday: Photoshop--no nose and give me wings.  Selected seating--back row and edge.

Homework: find a poem and nominate it here.

Monday 4/6

Content-Language Objective: Students will  get squared away on the first unit move on to the next image assignment


Shadow Image Assignment: Create an image that could serve as a movie poster for "The Shadow."  Your poster should show your interpretation of the text.  Include text on your image.

Friday 4/3

Content-Language Objective: Students will transition from folktales to short stories by discussing "The Shadow." The will prepare for the next image assignment.


Tues-Thurs 3/31-4/2

Content-Language Objective: Students will going with their Folktale Images looking for a basic working knowledge of Photoshop through tutorials, collaboration and practice



Folktale Image Assignment:  Enhance or redo one of the images you drew inspired by the folktales. Save it in your folder as a jpeg.  We will then go through them, show them off and learn about both the stories and photoshop techniques.

Tools to learn:

Also understand Layers

Graphic Design

Fri 3/20

Content-Language Objective: Students will get a sense of the class and jump right into some folktales.
