
Week of 12/17

Content Language Objectives: Students will wrap up the class


Week of 12/10

Content Language Objectives: Students will wrap up Piece #3 and begin Pre- writing phase for Piece #4.


Week of 12/3

Content Language Objectives: Students will move on to the Pre- writing phase for Piece #3.


11/22 In a Grove Warm-­up

Write a story in which different characters explain an event. Make it so their stories don't match up and they couldn't all be telling the truth.

After you finish your warm­-up, get a copy of “In a Grove.”

Write a brief review about "In a Grove." and answer the following questions:

Did you like it? 

What do you think really happened? 

What motivates the characters?

What do you think the story says about people?

Wed 11/20


Nominate tough sentences here


"Gentleman of the Jungle"

"Crumpled Comics"

Warm-ups Page

Friday: Sub Day and "In a Grove" Warm-up

Tuesday 11/19

Content Language Objectives: Students will move on to the Revising phase for Piece #2.


Friday 11/15

Content Language Objectives: Students will move on to the Drafting phase for Piece #2.


Tues-Wed 11/12-13

Content Language Objectives: Students will look for ideas for Piece #2 through music, warm-ups example stories.



Chameleon Warm-up

Read "Happy Endings" (audio)

Fri 11/8

Content Language Objectives: Students will look for ideas for Piece #2 through music and warm-ups.




Plot Generator

Music Choices 

Tues-Wed 11/5-6

Content Language Objectives: Students will focus on active writing through a game, a quiz and collaborative work.


Plot Generator


-IC Check

-Let's Make an Active Sentence

-Take the quiz

-Fix your story, or nominate tough sentences here

-Proofreading Tricks

First word Scan

And/But Scan

Wed: Music Warm-ups on the Warm-ups Page

To be:

is am are 

was were

be been being

Fri 11/1

Punctuating Dialogue

Peer Edit


Check-in with Pfouts

Revise Piece #1 Due Tuesday

Tues:Verbs and Proofreading

Tues-Wed 10/29

Wed. Kate's Room

Tues-Wed 10/22-23

Content Language Objectives: Students will get a sense of how the class will work.  They will do some writing, listen to a story and talk to each other.


Wednesday: Syllabus and Assignment Sheet & Schedule on Assignments Page 

12 20

What We Know

Proofread piece #4--SAS Reviser

Nominate your own sentence or passage you want help with here

Rest of our Daze

Conferences, Revisions, Piece #4

Tues: Peer Edit

What do you want to learn?

Wrap up

Mon 12/10

Thurs-Fri 12/6-7

Tues 12/4

Content Language Objectives: Students will do more with dialogue and then look at mysteries in preparation for Piece #3.

Mon 12/3

Content Language Objectives: Students will look at some dialogue examples.

Fri 11/30

Content Language Objectives: Students will explore Micro/Flash Fiction.

Online Writing Webpage  browse the web for Micro Fiction

Homework: Write a 100 Word Story--no more, fewer is fine, than 100 words.

Due Mon Dec 3rd.

Thurs 10/29

Tues 11/27

Content Language Objectives: Students will begin/continue Pre-writing for the third story by reading and doing warm-ups.


Mon 11/26

Sub Day Plans


We got stuck in Florida--could be worse.  So here's the unintended sub plan for the day.

Go to the Warm-ups Page.

There are two warm-ups for you to do that we will talk about on Tuesday.

Spend the day reading and writing.

Week of 11/13


Conferences on Piece #1, Revisions

Piece #2 Peer Edit (Thurs/Fri)

Piece #1 Peer Edit)

Are you caught up on Warm-ups?  Check Infinite Campus and Warm-ups Page

Week of 11/5



Any More Songs?

Next Door Warm- up on Warm-ups Page

Next Week:  Writing time/Conferences/Peer Edit Friday

Tues and Thurs:

"Happy Endings" by Margaret Atwood--read aloud.

Music for warm-ups--bring a song that evokes a mood, inspires or tells a story.

Music Warm-ups in your folder.   Process explained on Warm-ups Page

(Piece#2 Peer Edit 11/16--can we change that?)


Turn in "Chameleon" Warm-up (on paper)

Alternative formats:


    "Ordeal By Cheque"  Plain version

    "Reply All"

Try your own on the Warm-ups Page

Fri 11/2

30 second quiz:


Discuss: "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" 

Time Manipulation Warm-up on  Warm-ups Page

"Chameleon" Warm-up (on paper)

Thurs 11/1

"In a Grove" Discussion

New Yorker Podcast:  "Bullet in the Brain" audio

Read "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" (Finish for Homework)

Tues 10/30


Mon 10/29

Content Language Objectives: Students will learn some proofreading tricks and use an Add-on to finish revising their first stories.


Fri 10/26

Content Language Objectives: Students will wrap up the Drafting phase for the first story and begin the Revising phase by peer editing.


Thurs 10/25

Tues  10/23

Content Language Objectives: Students will continue Pre-writing for the first story through speaking and writing.


Thurs: Work time

Fri: Peer Edit

Monday Piece #1 Due

Mon  10/22

Content Language Objectives: Students will continue Pre-writing for the first story by reading and doing warm-ups.


To be

is am are 

was were

be been being

Fri  10/19

Content Language Objectives: Students will look explore active writing through games and a quiz.


Thurs  10/18

Content Language Objectives: Students will continue Pre-writing for the first story by  reading and doing warm-ups.


Mon-Tues  10/14-15

Content Language Objectives: Students will get a sense of how the class will work.  They will do some writing, listen to a story and talk to each other.



Mon-Tues  10/14-15

Content Language Objectives: Students will get a sense of how the class will work.  They will do some writing, listen to a story and talk to each other.


Tues-Wed 3/14-15

Content Language Objectives: Students will get a sense of how the class will work.  They will do some writing, listen to a story and talk to each other.


Last Day



Backrow work 

Front Row

Rules for Writing

Explore OWL

    Advice to the class

Flash Fiction


Thurs Review/wrap up


Piece #3?

Work day--check in--updates--finish strong

Peer edit? Leave comments?

Labels on #3 & #4


        #4 I want feedback


Piece #4 Assignment

Piece #4 Pre-writing

Class Copy for Generating Ideas


Week of 5/1

Content Language Objectives: Students will begin the unit for Piece #3 through warm-ups, reading and discussion.



Fri 4/28

Content Language Objectives: Students will begin the unit for Piece #3 through warm-ups, reading and discussion.


Wed. 4/26

Content Language Objectives: Students will begin the unit for Piece #3 through warm-ups, reading and discussion.


Coming Soon: F TWF (Service) Piece #3 TWF T 

Tue. 4/25

Content Language Objectives: Students will wrap up their Allegory Unit through small and large group discussion.


Fri. 4/21

Content Language Objectives: Students will wrap up their Allegory Unit through small and large group discussion.



Tues-Wed 4/18-19

 Some Warm-up options

        Use this page or contribute ideas

Tues 4/11


Tues 4/11 1:05-3:05 (Pfouts 3pm at Centennial)

Start a 4/11 In-Class Writing Document

 Some Warm-up options

        Use this page or contribute ideas


4/11 Bizarre First Line/Starting Premise Warm up (Metamorphosis & Nose)

Choose one to read and critique by Tues 4/18.



"The Nose"

Am I Blue?

After writing your critique of the story, create your own bizarre premise and do a warm-up based on it.



Tues 4/18: Drafting Piece #2/Conferences & Catch-up/Get the Mystery warm-ups

Wed 4/19: Piece #2 Peer Edit  2nd Half

            "Crumpled Comics" Workshop it

Wed 4/5 

Content Language Objectives: Students will learn one more trick for Piece #1 and then start the Writing Process for Piece #2


Fri: more music/some new examples

Tues. 4/4

Content Language Objectives: Students will learn some editing tips and tricks for Piece #1.


Fri 3/24


Critique the Elements

Tues-Wed 3/14-15

Content Language Objectives: Students will get a sense of how the class will work.  They will do some writing, listen to a story and talk to each other.


Sample Script

Have Fun Script

Ideas Page

Talk about all texts--short story elements

Tues-Wed 3/14-15

Content Language Objectives: Students will get a sense of how the class will work.  They will do some writing, listen to a story and talk to each other.


Week of 12/14

Content Language Objectives: Students will wrap up the class through revisions, review and completing Piece #4.


Week of 12/7

Content Language Objectives: Students will wrap up Piece #3 and begin Piece #4.


Thurs 12/2

Content Language Objectives: Students will look into new stories and begin the drafting process of Piece #3.


Tues 12/1

Content Language Objectives: Students will finish the Flash Fiction Unit and look at some new stoies while proceeding to Piece #3.


Mon 11/30

Content Language Objectives: Students will continue with Flash Fiction and finish their 100 word stories.


Tues-Fri 11/17-20 

Content Language Objectives: Students will review the concept of allegory, start some drafting, look into Flash Fiction and write 100 word story.


Piece #3 draft for peer edits: Fri 12/4

Piece #3 graded draft: Mon 12/7

Mon. 11/16 

Content Language Objectives: Students will begin drafting and revising Piece #2



Week 11/9

Content Language Objectives: Students will begin drafting and revising Piece #2


Instructions for the Second Peer Edit

Peer Edit Rubric

Friday 11/6

Content Language Objectives: Students will critique stories as a way to improve their own writing. 


Thurs 11/5

Content Language Objectives: Students will look at critique stories as a way to improve their own writing. 


Listen to "Bullet in the Brain"


"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"


Time Manipulation or Bizarre Premise Warm-up

Tues 11/3

Content Language Objectives: Students will begin piece #2 through pre-writing and warm-ups.


Mon 11/2

Content Language Objectives: Students will learn two proof reading trick and turn in their first story.


Fri 10/30

Content Language Objectives: Students will shift to the drafting and revising phase for their first story.


Tue-Thurs 10/27-28

Content Language Objectives: Students will continue with active writing and move from pre-writing to drafting on the first story.


To Be

is am are

was were

be been being

Mon 10/26

Content Language Objectives: Students will look into active writing


Thurs-Fri 10/22-23

Content Language Objectives: Students will continue the pre-writing process for piece #1 by listening to songs.


Tues 10/20 

Content Language Objectives: Students will start the pre-writing process for piece #1.


Mon 10/19

Content Language Objectives: Students will get a sense of how the class will work.  They will do some writing, listen to a story and talk to each other.


Week 10/13

Thurs: East Lab

Fri: Figure it out

Week 10/6:

Content Language Objectives: Students will look into online resources for writers, work on revisions and start Piece #4.

Piece #4 Pre-writing Ideas

Short Fiction Ideas

Check Writing Resources Online 

OWL Online

Grammar Girl

You find some places

Post an interesting bit of advice to talk about tomorrow.  Post your name, why you chose it and the link.

Post here: 

Week of 9/29:

Content Language Objectives: Students will continue to explore different forms of writing. They will complete warm-ups in Hopes of finding piece #3


Fri 9/26

Content Language Objectives: Students will explore different forms of writing. 


Thurs 9/25


Tomorrow: 100 Word Story Contest--or turn one in.

Tues 9/23


Online Writing & Micro Fiction Index


Content Language Objectives: Students will finish drafting Piece #2


Thurs. 9/18


Content Language Objectives: Students will finish Pre-Writing  and begin drafting Piece #2


Thurs-Fri 9/11-12

Content Language Objectives: Students will start the writing process all over through Pre-Writing for piece #2




and how we can apply them to fiction

Tues-Thurs 9/9-10

Content Language Objectives: Students will start the writing process all over through Pre-Writing for piece #2


Fri 9/5 

Content Language Objectives: Students will move from drafting stage to the revision stage of the writing process through peer editing.


Tues-Thurs 9/2-4

Content Language Objectives: Students will continue looking for Piece #1 and begin the drafting process.


Thurs-Fri 8-28-9

Content Language Objectives: Students will continue looking for Piece #1 through music and picture warm-ups


Tues 8-26

Finish Reunions Unit