Assignments & Handouts

Final Movie Project


            So here we go—ready or not, actually you’re ready: time to pull everything together.  Your goal is to create a film adaptation of a favorite story.  You want to thoughtfully adapt your film and also do it well from a cinematic point of view.  Keep in mind all we’ve tried to absorb about good filmmaking.  For this, you may work in teams or alone—though I think teams is the smartest option.

            You need to create storyboards, shot lists and informal screenplays.  I’ll have these materials available, but you might also make your own.

            The expectation is a complete movie, and every group will show at least a scene on Exhibition Day


I’d like the films to have:



The order in which you should work:


Check out The Rubric 

Copy Cat Assignment

            For this assignment, I want you to try to re-create a short section of a film—hopefully a section of an All about Eve.  This will force you to focus on creating a deliberate sequence of shots.

            Start by choosing a scene.  Once you’ve decided, create a storyboard, shot lists and informal screenplays.  I’ll have these materials available, but you might also make your own.  The planning process is as important as anything.  You need a detailed storyboard with descriptions of each shot.


The order in which you should work:



Things to keep in mind:



Some of my goals and dilemmas



Poetry Search

 You are going to look for poems by women--that are new to you.  You may look online or in the books I have.  You should consider the following criteria: newness, adaptability--to video--and overall quality.  Your goal is to bring three poems to the group: one from a different country (translations okay), one from a different time period and one "free choice."

Use the links below as starting points.  If you find a particular poet you like, see if you can find more of her writing somewhere else.    A great example is Emily Dickinson:

Dickinson @ Poets and

The Complete Emily Dickinson

Some places to start looking for poems

Literary Magazines--you might find poetry here, but I want you to know about the online literary scene




Everyday Fiction

Apple Valley Review



Menda City Review

Per Contra

Fiction Attic

Mad Hatter's Review


Underground Voices


Other ways to find mags: