Agendas Page



Last day of choice reading


End Choices: Today & Friday--use your time=B


End Choices: Today,Tomorrow, Friday--use your time=B

Fri 5/4

Day of Silence

Make sure I've gotten the following responses

Today we'll look at


If we have time...

"Since I Died" Elizabeth Stuart Phelps get it from Pfouts

After Service Week:

Tues-Wed 5/1-2


Ligeia Discussion:

Generating Questions

Poe Choices--find one story to read and choose from the following links


A place to find texts

Poe-try Index

Check out my Poe Class Webpage

10:30 end time: Exit Ticket: Poe Paragraph--what did you think of "Ligeia" and the other story you chose?


Western stories--choose one and write a review:

"Blue Hotel"

"Luck of Roaring Camp"

"Very short on Law and Order" (How to rotate the copy)

Homework for Wed. Read "Ligeia"

Wed 4/25 

Fanny Fern


Edward Mills and George Benton   (audio)


Owl Creek Bridge

Devil's Dictionary

Read something(s) new and tell write a review response call it  

"4/25 Response"

Wed. Done at 10:30

So yeah, Friday

Tues 4/24

Friday April 20th

Content-Language Objectives: Students will look back over what we've covered and "Say Something" for their first papers.


Who read: Melville's "The Fiddler"?

Who Read: Whitman "Think of the Soul"?

Pre-writing for the Paper--your own Doc or on Paper

The Mini Paper  (notice quotes around short story and poem titles)

PeerDraft due Tues 4/24 @ 11:30 am

Graded draft posted by Wed 4/25 @ 6 pm

Tues-Wed 4/17-18

Content-Language Objectives: Students will wrap up their introduction to the class, the introductory texts and make sense of it all through writing and discussion.  


Herman Melville

Chapter 58 of Moby-Dick Read it online

Brit audio (scroll down)

Melville's "The Fiddler"

Whitman "Think of the Soul"

The Mini Paper

Tues. 4/10

Walt Whitman "Song of Myself"

A story I tell when I teach Dante

A Video

Have you ever seen the moon? Leonard Pitts Jr.

What would Whitman do today?  

Hubble Gallery

Let two more questions complicate your thinking:

Sojourner Truth: "Ain't I a Woman?"

Fredrick Douglass: "What to a Slave is the Fourth of July?"

What to do about Emerson?

Choose one:

Self-Reliance--discuss with Pfouts

Over Soul--write on your own

Nature--write on your own

Emerson on line (explore--read more, do an extension)

If you did read, pick a quote or two, and do an Emersonian Rant

Paper Pre-write

Fri 4/6

Emerson for Tues:

Choose one:

Self-Reliance--discuss with Pfouts

Over Soul--write on your own

Nature--write on your own

Emerson on line (explore--read more, do an extension)



Paper Pre-write




Welcome back:


Dead Poet's Society 

(It's on Netflix--or find it online)


Wed-Fri 3/21-23

Content-Language Objectives: Students will continue their introduction to the class and one of the aspects we will explore--audio versions of literature.


Tues 3/20

Content-Language Objectives: Students will get an introduction to the class and one of the aspects we will explore--audio versions of literature.


Wed. 3/11 

Tue 3/10

Fri-Tue 3/10

Was BIFF worthwhile?  What did you think? Will it make you go to the Youth Pavilion?

Round two--read something from somewhere/one else

Tues-Wed 3/2-3

Content-Language Objectives: Students will present what they've read and begin to look at what others have read.



Grades updated--make up work

 Your choices--check out your posts here.


 Some choices from Pfouts

Round Two Activities/Write ups--Turn them in written in the tray

Finish Books?


Presentation Assignment

Fri 2/27

Content-Language Objectives: Students will present what they've read and begin to look at what others have read.


Tues-Wed 2/24-25

Content-Language Objectives: Students will wrap up their reading projects and prepare to present what they've read.


Presentation Assignment

Fri 2/20

Content-Language Objectives: Students will continue their reading projects and get a sense of the final requirements and outcomes and 


Tue-Wed 2/17-18

Content-Language Objectives: Students will continue their reading projects and get a sense of the final requirements and outcomes.



Wed 2/11

Content-Language Objectives: Students will look further into an author and then set up their reading projects.


Tue 2/10


Fri 2/6

Content-Language Objectives: Students will wrap up  Hawthorne and Melville.  We will shift to some humorous and mysterious.


Tues Hangman--vocab and key terms from the story.

Play code: htpgfafrfcja

Bierce Extensions? 

Fanny Fern: "Look on this Picture and then on that"

    How could this  have anything to do with you?

Wed 2/4

Content-Language Objectives: Students will look into Hawthorne and Melville, their theories, relationship and relevance.


Tues 2/3

Content-Language Objectives: Students will look into Hawthorne and Melville, their theories, relationship and relevance.


Fri. 2/30

Wed 1/28


Tues-Fri Jan 27-30

Content-Language Objectives: Students will consider recent texts and see what they can say about some of the themes we've covered and apply them to life today.


Tues-Fri Jan 20-23

Content-Language Objectives: Students will look into certain writers and decide what they have to say about the self.


Tuesday Homework:

Wed-Fri 1/14-16

Content-Language Objectives: Students will continue their introduction to 19th Century Lit. focusing on Edgar Allan Poe's contributions.


Tues 1/13

Content-Language Objectives: Students will continue their introduction to 19th Century Lit.


Wed. 1/7


Tues 1/6

Content-Language Objectives: Students will get an introduction to the class and one of the aspects we will explore--audio versions of literature.
