Foundations Warm Ups

Up Warm-ups/Pre-writing

Start a new Doc in your Foundations Folder.  Call it "Up Warm-ups/Pre-Writing.  We will stop the Movie from time to time and you will write.

9/3:  If you were his sibling, friend or therapist What would your advice be to Carl?

9/5 After reading the screenplay and watching the opening again, make a list of things you didn't notice the first time.  Also make a list of what seems important.

9/9 Intention and Obstacle

Write about what each character wants and what gets in their way.  





Charles Munz

You could write about Ellie or any other characters too

What is the first intention / obstacle? When does the scene (conflict) begin? 

What is the internal intention? What are the external obstacles? 

Does the tension mount as the intention/obstacles ramp up?

How do you think they can resolve their respective problems?

8/23  Warm-up

Start a story with this line: “Where were you last night?" 

            -Who said this? Why?

            -To whom was it addressed?

            -What is the answer?

8/22 Warm-up

Take an Idea from your Piece #1 Pre-Writing Sheet.

8/20 Dare Warm-up

Write/tell a story entitled "The Dare." (Fiction or Non-Fiction)

    -Things to decide: 


            Who dared whom? 

            What was the dare?

            What was the outcome?

            Show the setting

            Use active verbs and dialogue to show the main scenes

Choice Piece Warm-up #1

Choose one of the following for an essay topic:

Choice Piece Warm-up #2

Choose one of the following

Have two characters in separate settings on a collision course to meet. 

Start a story with this line: As soon as I walked in the door, I knew I would be staying.

Start a story with your main character defending her/himself.

Start a story with dialogue between two characters with a secret. (But don’t reveal the secret right away).

8/30 Warm-up 

What are a few things you would like to change and why?:

Think......home, school, Boulder, the United States, the world.

8/23 Warm-up #4

Choose a title from the nominations page and write a warm up using that title.

After writing, read the story.  

Foundations Story Warm-up 8/24 (Warm-up #1)

Think of a story from your life, this summer, or even just something for the first days of school. It could be:

Remember - personal stories have SETTINGS, CHARACTERS, A PLOT, THEMES, and they have an ORDER.

Now take turns and TELL this story to your partner.

Finally, start to WRITE your story.

9/6 Warm up #5

Make two lists: Things that need to change and things that shouldn't change that others want to. (think about NVHS, Boulder, CO, USA, World)

Pick a topic from one of your lists and write about it


Warm-up #4 

Do a warm-up from your Piece #1 Pre-Writing Worksheet.

Use the Piece #1 Pre-Writing Worksheet, brainstorm ideas for each category and write some of the stories in your notebook.

8/23 Warm Up #3

Start a story with this line:    As soon as I walked in the door, I knew I would be staying.  (or I would not be staying)

            -Who’s narrating?

            -Why will/won’t s/he stay?

            -Where was s/he? What was happening?

Allegory Warm-up

Choice Piece Warm-Up #2


Complete any 3 of the of the following. Spend 20 minutes on each.

Try six word stories:

Here are some examples


Try a Six Word Memoirs

Influential People Exercise:

Follow these steps:

1) Make a list of at least five people who have influenced you--either positively or negatively.

2) Jot down notes behind each name. Think of thing unique to these people: clothing, habits, gestures, favorite sayings, beliefs, actions and anything else unique about them.

3) Pick a partner and tell him/her about this person who influenced you. (5-7 min.)

4) Make more notes about this influential person. Try to make sense of the notes. Order them; group them, or make an idea web.

5) From your notes, write a story (or essay) with this person (or this person's ideas) as a central character (or theme).

Choice Piece Warm-up #1

Choose one of the following

Have two characters in separate settings on a collision course to meet.

Start a story with this line: As soon as I walked in the door, I knew I would be staying.

Start a story with your main character defending her/himself.

Start a story with dialogue between two characters with a secret. (But don’t reveal the secret right away).

Fisher King Warm-up #2

Fisher King Warm-up #1

Food Warm-up

For this warm up, we'd like you to try and fill 10 full minutes with writing--just keep your pen or pencil moving. We want you to practice describing in detail, so choose one of the following

Describe where you eat in your home--be specific and use lots of sensory details that paint a picture in the reader’s mind

Describe a meal you had recently, and use lots of adjectives and sensory details that paint a picture in the reader’s mind (color, smell, taste, texture, etc.

Describe the atmosphere (the “vibe”) of a restaurant you have been to a lot and try to make it like the reader has been there without even being there

Warm-up #3

Yesterday we talked about the elements of a story, you started a story and turned it in as a warm-up. We bet that story has CHARACTERS. Characters have what we call "attributes" which are inner traits. Good writers also paint a picture in the reader's mind of what a character looks like - their physical description, how they speak, etc.

For this warm-up, we'd like you to pick a character from the story you started and write about their inner and outer traits. The reader should be able to form an image of your character by reading what you wrote.


Write a warm up for the following picture

click here to see what some other people wrote for this pic

Short Fiction Index

8/27 Piece #1 Pre-Writing (Warm ups # 4 & 5)

Make sure you fill the categories on the Piece #1 Pre-Writing sheet you should have received in class.  If you need one, you can print it from the bottom of the page.  After you brainstorm possible topics.  Pick the two with the most potential and complete two warm ups.


Picture warm ups.  I found some pictures some of them might lead you to a story.  You can find the links below:

8/26 Warm Up #2

Title: "The time I learned to _________________________."

        Tell the story of learning to do something that mattered to you.  What did you have to overcome? How did you do it?  


8/26 Warm Up #3

Start a story with this line:    As soon as I walked in the door, I knew I would be staying.  (or I would not be staying)

            -Who’s narrating?

            -Why will/won’t s/he stay?

            -Where was s/he? What was happening?