7.1 Analytics

The Analytics page allows you to view analytical data in a visual format about Issues/Deficiencies, Equipment, and a Project Overview. 

Analytics Screen video:  https://vimeo.com/654585785?embedded=true&source=vimeo_logo&owner=88662825

Issue/Deficiency Analytics:

    1. Click on the Issues/Deficiencies tab, this will be the default option. 

    2. The Customize button will allow you to adjust settings for the Overview. 

    3. The Overview will show you a summary of the Issues/Deficiencies on the project. 

    4. Issues/Deficiencies by status will give you a summary of the Issues/Deficiencies according to the status they are set as. 

    5. Issues/Deficiencies by type will give you a summary of Issues/Deficiencies on the project based on what type you have assigned them to. 

    6. Issues/Deficiencies by role shows you a summary of how many Issues/Deficiencies based on what roles have been assigned to the Issues/Deficiencies. 

    7. Issues/Deficiencies by priority will show you a summary of the Issues/Deficiencies based on what priority has been set for the Issues/Deficiencies. 

    8. The Filter button will let you set filters on the data displayed to help customize the Analytics. 

    9. The Export button will create a PDF file of the Analytics. 

    10. The Export button will create a PDF of the Timeline data.

    11. The green section of the bar will show Closed Issues/Deficiencies for that date.

    12. The red section of the bar is will show you the number of Open Issues/Deficiencies for that date. 

Equipment Analytics:

    1. Click on the Equipment Analytics tab. 

    2. The Export button will create a PDF document of the Role Completion by Equipment Type graph

    3. You will see a bar graph for each piece of equipment showing its completion status based on the Roles assigned to it.  The percentage complete shown is based on the amount of parameters that are filled in and assigned to a specific role versus the amount of parameters that are not filled in and are assigned to that same role.

    4. The Export button will create a PDF file of the graph. 

    5. The completion status of data fields will be shown in the bar graph and it will also be broken down by Roles.   This percentage is considering all equipment parameters on the project that are assigned to a specific role, which provides the overall data completion %.

Project Overview Analytics:

    1. Click on the Project Overview tab. 

    2. The cells on the table will be color coded to match these colors based on completion percentage.

    3. The Export to Excel button will generate an Excel document copy of the table below. 

    4. The Select Zone dropdown menu will allow you to filter the table below by Zone. 

    5. If you do not want child objects displayed on the table check the Exclude Child Objects checkbox. 

    6. To remove empty columns from the table below check the Hide Empty Columns box. 

    7. Column width will allow you to adjust the width of the columns on the table below. 

    8. If you want your Boolean results that are marked as failed to be included check this box. 

    9. Clicking on the equipment name on the table will take you to a page to view more detailed information for that equipment and it's child objects.