Nursery at Belmont
Our Nursery has a maximum of 26 spaces per sitting and is run by a qualified teacher, a qualified nursery nurse and an additional learning support assistant. These staff work consistently across the week so children develop strong attachment and trust.
We are a school Nursery so our places are within the school day: 15 hours am only (9-12), 15 hours pm only (12.30-3.30) or 30 hours (9-3.30pm). We take children once they are 3 years old, usually the year before they start school. We are currently offering places to children who are three in September 2022 (i.e. starting school in September 2023).
Each child is special and each day is important.
At Belmont Infant School we recognise the power and importance of the learning that takes place during purposeful play. We strongly believe that a play-based curriculum in the Nursery develops the skills needed to be a successful learner. These include curiosity, independence, resilience, social skills, the ability to problem solve and negotiate and the development of communication and language. We embrace a creative, challenging and broad curriculum. We recognise, value, and support parental partnerships and work collaboratively with families to ensure the progress and development of our children.
Every child, regardless of physical ability, race, religion, gender or current level of attainment, will be given the opportunity to develop their personal interests and friendships alongside the development of life skills and academic knowledge and understanding. We aim to provide rich learning opportunities which enable every child to achieve in all areas of learning, to develop curiosity, thinking skills, perseverance and a love of learning. We celebrate the fact that our children come from a community rich in cultural and ethnic diversity.
Applying for a place in our Nursery
We follow the Local Authority criteria for selecting pupils to attend the school, even Nursery children. See the info on our admissions page. If you are interested in a place for your child please call the office 0208 888 7140 or email
Tours for prospective parents/ carers
We carry out regular tours of the school so you can make an informed decision about where you send your child. We will host tours on site but after school hours while there is some Covid risk. Where possible only one parent please.
Call the school to book a tours for prospective Nursery children (September 2024 entry) - these are from January to April 2024: