Maths is a central aspect of the curriculum and is taught every day. We encourage a love of maths and emphasise that everyone can be competent in and enjoy the subject. Many children at Belmont Infants say that maths is their favourite subject. We place great emphasis on learning using high quality concrete resources, through games, problems and practical tasks coupled with an uncompromising goal of learning and memorising key facts such as number bonds.
Our Maths Mastery at Belmont Infants (2022) describes our particular approach to the teaching of maths.
At Belmont we follow a Maths Mastery approach, using the Numicon Firm Foundations scheme in EYFS and the White Rose schemes as a guide in KS1. Below are the key principles of our maths teaching at Belmont, based in the maths mastery approach, and details of what this looks like at our school. The intention of this approach is to provide all children with full access to the curriculum, enabling them to achieve confidence and competence – ‘mastery’ – in mathematics.
Nursery Vertical Curriculum for Maths 2023
Reception Vertical Curriculum for Maths 2023
Year 1 vertical Curriculum for Maths 2023
Year 2 Vertical Curriculum for Maths 2023
Maths Fluency at Belmont Infants 2023
Attitudes towards maths
Teachers recognise that a positive attitude to maths is key to becoming a competent mathematician. They reinforce this by demonstrating their own enjoyment of the subject, by ‘thinking aloud’ to make their thought processes explicit and by creating a culture of ‘good mistakes’ in their classroom. Teachers reinforce an expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in mathematics. The majority of pupils progress through the curriculum content at the same pace. Differentiation is achieved by planned challenge open to all, a focus on children developing a deep conceptual understanding of concepts and through timely intervention when required.
Examples of what this looks in practice are:
· Positive attitudes to maths from the children
· Children all learning the same key concept in their maths lesson, following small, carefully thought out steps;
· Timely interventions (through assessment led groupings in class) led by the teacher or LSA, to catch address misconceptions, provide over learning or to support children in developing fluency skills
· Targeted questioning to help a child clarify or explain understanding;
· Access to challenge for all
Supporting Maths in KS1
10-frame 10 frame&number bonds 100 square 100square (blank)
Videos on mathematical principles:
Number bonds
Support booklets on mathematical principles:
Contained within each booklet are mathematical models and principles, practical tips, methods and exemplification. We hope that you find the guidance useful. We would recommend the ‘you can’ sections that will really engage your child with fun and practical learning activities.
Supporting your child with counting
Supporting your child with addition
Supporting your child with subtraction
Printable number bond flash cards:
Bonds for 4 and 5 Bonds for 6 and 7 Bonds for 8 and 9 Bonds for 10